Wild Heerbrugg TSK16-1 gyro theodolite.
This was one rare find. Actually the seller had (has?) multiple units for sale but in general these do not come along very often. The unit is a former RAF unit (marked RAFSEE/SNS/001) and was bought from a surplus store. It is a gyroscope combined with a late model T16. The T16 is not entirely standard in that it does not have a plumb sight but instead a series of contacts to connect it to the SKK unit housing the gyroscope.
The instrument fits in-between the ARK1 and the MIL-ABLE system. The T16 can also be used separately from the SKK using a tribrach. The entire system comes with a special tripod which seems adapted from the GST20 as the legs are identical. However, the top is specifically made to hold the SKK gyroscope. The gyroscope is powered by a 'clip-on' converter (SEV22-1) which transforms any DC voltage between 10 and 40V into 24V.
On top of the T-16 (on the handle) a lighted target can be fitted which can be white, red or green coloured. The target is a more elaborate form of that found on the ARK and GAK1 / GAK11 system with only a white option. As I have not been able to power the system up due to a missing power cable and manual (don't want to connect everything the wrong way around) I have not been able to test the entire system. However, the T16 has a separate light and from documentation it seems it could also be equipped with a auto-collimation eyepiece. To roughly direct the instrument a magnetic box compass is fitted.
The T16 came with a solar filter which slips over the eyepiece which is different from other solar filters which fit to the objective. The reticules also show that this instrument was designed for the military. Next to the regular cross wires, this instrument has a circle which is around the average size of the solar diameter as shown through the telescope making it relatively easy to point to the middle of the sun. This will not be as accurate as using the size of the solar disk and pointing before and after it (then averaging) but is a lot faster in the field.
Data sheet
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