Wild Heerbrugg K2. Obtained from Peru
This is the 'original' plane table set by Wild. Where many manufacturers once started with plane table instruments, Wild was relatively late with them and started by developing more accurate instruments such as the T2 theodolite and N2 level. The first plane table set / alhidade was brought to market after WWII. A bit illogical, the most simple instrument was called the K2 whereas the self-reducing version was called the RK1.
This is an almost complete set. Missing are the tripod (but that seems to be a standard model II), the box compass (replaced with another compass), a magnifying glass and the table itself. The table is 'just' a piece of board with threaded holes for the tribach. The box compass and magnifying glass are more 'annoying'. It seems that the box compass was lost or damaged and has been replaced with another compass. The compass is a full compass and unmarked. However, the four main directions are labeled with English abbreviations making it illogical that it is an original Wild compass. Also, Wild was known to mark their box compasses (and magnifying glasses) with their makers name as they were treated as 'real' instruments. So the search continues to complete te set...
Included in the set are a scale bar with transversal scale (unmarked) and a log-log slide rule made by Aristo (nr 0958). The slide rule is a specific model for geodetic calculations having multiple scales dedicated to trigonometry. With the set also came a booklet describing the use of the table as well as various trigonometric tables. The book, as everyting in the case is not in the best of conditions having suffered from water damage. Also, the instrument itself has been repainted and the serial is partially missing. I have 'reconstructed' the serial based on the first two digits (still visible), a felt pen marking on the bottom of the instrument and the last two digits marking the extension leg. In other words, this is the most probable serial I can come up with for now...
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