Lafayette practice sextant
Practice sextant, probably used in school for education purposes. This practice sextant comes with an extensive booklet describing how to measure (and compute) with the sextant. The sextant was created by Lafayette instruments, but according to the booklet and a sticker on the device itself, marketing was done by Yoder Instruments of East Palestine, Ohio. This particular instrument seems to have been sold by Gordon's from Chicago. According to the label a 'bargain house for Hobbyists, Optical and Scientific Instruments'. The same label has been impressed with the words L.I. Inc. Within the case there was a small paper note showing 'Lt N.D. (or A.D.) Phillips, 1st pn.hg.co' (or bn.hg.co), v34th EB+SR, Camp Edwards, Mass (Aus 0-923658).
As far as I can decode this note, it seems to refer to the 4th Egnineer Special Brigade which had a 534th (v34th?) Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment (EB+SR?) which was moved to Camp Edwards on 10th of May 1943. It moved to Camp Gordon Johnston in September 1943, making the time slot very specific if I decode the note right. The Duty Roster for the 534th shows two Phillips', one Dewey, one Henry. I have not been able to find any information on the person who owned it, as it is a very general name. The unit was sent to the New Guinea on 28th of April 1944.
The booklet, printed in 1930 shows a slightly different instrument from the actual one in the frame, but is otherwise similar. As with most educational sextants, there is no way to adjust the mirrors and readings are 'as is'. The case the sextant came in does not seem to be original as it resembles the case for the A10 aircraft sextant where handle and other fittings are concerned. It seems to nice for this type of sextant, but I could be mistaken ofcourse. However, the manual barely fits the case which might indicate the case is indeed not original.
Data sheet