Wild Heerbrugg GAD12 - 2x GMT5 plus GDF
Obtained from Belgium
This is a very heavy and very accurate micrometer tribach. It is a combination of various 'items' from the Wild Heerbrugg brochure and is still sold under the Leica brand. The top is a GDF tribach mounted on a GAD12 metal plate where the bottom has the male counterpart. Inbetween are two GMT5 micrometers set 90 degrees apart to allow precise positioning in both axis. Each micrometer has a 50 mm movement. The whole set-up is then mounted on yet another tribach and will allow sliding the instrument a little bit forward and to the sides for perfect alignment. The micrometers are not manufactured by Wild according to the labels.
These micrometer tribachs are not for general landsurvey use (not even for accurate geodetic work) but are designed for engineering work to allow setting out points at specific distances from other points (objects). The case does not seem original but is a requirement for moving it.
Data sheet