Small boussole theodolite by Wild Heerbrugg.
Product details: Wild Heerbrugg T0 | Wild Heerbrugg | Boussole theodolite | Survey | Material: Brass
This is the smallest 'regular' theodolite from Wild Heerbrugg. It has a magnetic compass allowing it to be used as both a regular theodolite as well as a Boussole. The microscope is only used for the vertical scale whereas the horizontal is read using a separate eyepiece which can be swapped to either side of the instrument using a prism. The horizontal scale is read using a micrometer bringing both ends of the scale into coincidence. This allows reading to 20" and esimating to around 10". That is about as good as the Keuffel and Esser transit at about half the size.
This T0 has been around. It was sold by Ahrend to NEDECO according to the stencilled letters on the bullit case. NEDECO was the 'Netherlands Engineering Consultants', a consortium of Dutch engineering consultant firms founded in 1949 and factually (but not administratively) disbanded in 2008. This instrument was last calibrated or repaired by 'De Koningh' in Arnhem. De Koningh obviously serviced these instruments besides making their own such as the surveying sextants in my collection. Based on it being serviced in Arnhem this instrument probably was in store (or belonged to) the 'Grontmij' (nowadays Sweco) which was part of NEDECO.
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