Small Boussole theodolite. Acquired from the US including leather carrying case.
Product details: Wild Heerbrugg B3 (1962) | Wild Heerbrugg | Boussole theodolite | Home / hobby |
This small theodolite can only measure horizontal angles. The later version also had a (limited) vertical scale, but this older model does not have that. Levelling it is not as easy either as it is mounted on a ball mount which needs to be set level and then the large black screw needs to be closed. Although sometimes seen on other simple instruments it is not as easy as a proper tribach for levelling it. The compass rose is made free to swing by pulling the small knob on the lock. A major advantage over the later B3 is the conicidence reading of the compass rose where a prism allows looking at both ends of the compass rose at the same time, making reading more accurate and eliminating possible errors.
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