Kenner Maproom Indiana Jones transit instrument
Obtained from the US
This Transit instrument on a tripod is part of a larger Indiana Jones set called 'the Map room'. It is modelled after a scene of the movie 'Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the lost Ark'. It is a rather crude toy and rather expensive. I had to wait for some time untill I found the instrument alone (I do not require any of the other items) at a decent price. The total set is rather rare and sometimes sells for more than the real instrument...
Looking at the toy itself I initially thought it was a level instrument considering the large level on top of the telescope. It looks quite similar to a standard leveling instrument in the toy edition. However, watching the movie (Raiders of the lost Ark) again it clearly wasn't a level instrument. I have included some screen shots from the relevant part of the movie. These show that it is a simple Transit instrument. The construction is similar to the K&E transit in my collection. It has a large compass and can be adjusted vertically for a large up/down range. However, there is no vertical circle (which is not that unusual, I have two Wild instruments without a vertical circle in my collection). The image through the telescope seems consistent with instruments from that era.
In the movie Indiana Jones is operating the instrument in a rather surprising way. He seems to be taking angles towards different objects. In the movie you see him pointing (and focussing) the instrument on various objects. He even alters the vertical angle. After some different angles he nods and seems satisfied. Funnily enough you see him never looking at the horizontal scale while doing this. In his notebook you see some numbers (unreadable) but it is funny that he can point at different objects without ever referencing his notebook or looking at the direction. He is using the correct knob for focussing though; so some credit should be given to the directors / advisers for getting it mostly correct. The main mistake that they make is to have Indiana lean on the instrument once he has found his objective. Every sane surveyor knows never to lean on the telescope / bearings as these are sensitive to disruption.
The tripod of the toy is obviously incorrect with the horizontal bars. Looking at the movie there are also some other 'survey' scenes. One is with a pair of german soliders levelling in the background (they are actually using a levelling rod). Also Indiana Jones has an excavation party carrying a tripod (with instrument still mounted on it...) and a levelling staff. They are however not seen using it.
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