Small, portable clinometer or Abney level.
Product details: Short Mason clinometer | Short & Mason | Clinometer | Military |
This instrument was produced by many contemporary instrument makers and even exported / manufactured in the USA by amongst others Keuffel and Esser. These instruments were called 'Service Pattern' clinometers and were used in the military. The instrument uses a revolving scale which levels using a weight. By looking through the instrument one sees both the scale as well as the object simultaneously allowing the angle to be read to the nearest degree. Not as accurate as the 'true' clinometer, it is much easier to use as the scales can be locked when the objects are side by side.
The instrument is marked 'Lawrence Chenevix Trench' on the back. Lawrence Chenevix Trench was born in 1883 and ended his career as a Colonel in the Royal Engineers which would explain this instrument. He died in 1958.
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Data sheet