GVO3 and GVO7 objectives for theodolites and total stations.
I had been looking for these hard to find objectives for a while. I could actually have bought a complete set but as I have no direct use for them and they are quite expensive (they are still being used), I settled for one example for the older style instruments and one for the newer. The only difference is in the diameter of the lens to fit the different objective diameters. Otherwise the lenses have the same purpose.
These lenses allow the instrument to be focused at very short distances; something very useful in metrology. The GVO3 can focus between 0.62 and 0.8 m whereas the GVO7 focusses between 0.88 and 1.72 m. Indeed very short ranges. Actually the T3000 was specifically designed with a pan-focal objective with this type of job in mind. Different GVO numbers relate to different focal distances (and objective diameters).
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