Hughes Paget angle sextant
Product details: Hughes Paget angle sextant | Henry Hughes and Son | Octant | | Material: Aluminium
The paget angle sextant is a very simple sextant meant for land survey use. It only has two mirrors and a dial. The pointer on the dial is connected through a set of gears to the index mirror. By moving the pointer the angle is set and directly read. It is not very accurate but very simple in construction and ease of use. It can measure either a 'right' or a 'left' angle which is an advantage. The scale is ivorine with brass screws; the instrument is made of aluminium. Not all paget sextants are the same (even though they may look so) as the handle on my 1415 does not fit a later AM model with a much higher serial number. The instrument was originally designed in 1892, so the 1414 serial must be from around 1900 whereas the 31623 is from between the two World Wars as far as I can tell.
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