A rather unusual stadimeter which looks like a crossing between a sextant and a Fiske stadimeter.
Product details: Schick Mk5 sextant stadimeter | Schick | Stadimeter | Navigation | Material: Brass
Where Schick manufactured many of the standard 'Fiske' type linear stadimeters they also produced this sextant type. The main advantage of this type was that it was much quicker to set-up as it could slide along the distance scale by unclamping rather than having to rotate it for height setting. The coincidence works similar to the linear type by aliginging the mirrors. The accuracy is about the same as the baseline is also the same. The pivot point is mounted in the 'regular' location for a sextant though.
This particular instrument was build for the US Maritime Commission and was used by the merchant marine. A similar type (but with different serials) was build for the US Navy.
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Data sheet