Small aluminium hiking / sighting compass
Product details: Aluminium hiking compass | | Magnetic compasses | Home / hobby | Material: Aluminium
Two small, similar, aluminium sighting compasses used in hiking. The first of these two, the olive coloured one, I bought a long time ago (around 1992) in Monchau, Germany during a cycling trip where I figured having a map alone was not good enough for navigation. This instrument was reasonably prices (I think I paid 15 DM for it, around 15 Euro in todays money). I have used it in hiking and cycling ever since. The sighting does not work well as the design is flawed compared to the Brunton. The aluminium coloured was a relation present from Atlas, a company I worked for briefly after they had taken over D.O.O.R. BV, the company I worked for then. It is exactly the same as the olive one showing that I probably still overpaid for the olive one...
Data sheet