Product details: USSR GEMS-3 Gyrosextant | | Octant | Navigation | Material: Aluminium
The GEMS-3 gyrosextant is based on the EMS-3 sextant. It does however not have the optical bubble chamber; in this sextant that is replaced with a gyroscope. Where the EMS-3 is directly derived from the German Sold sextant, the gyroscope on this one is not a direct descendant of the German gyro sextant developed in WWII. Where the German gyro sextant was air driven this one seems (I do not have the appropriate cables, so cannot test) electrically driven. It is for certain a very heavy instrument which would explain the cone on the bottom which, I suppose, fitted a matching conical hole as a stand. The measurement is the same as for the EMS-3 as is the mechanical averager; making the gyroscope the main difference. Missing from this instrument are the shades (and the telescope).
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Data sheet
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