Hughes and Son Mk VIII bubble sextant. Obtained from the UK
This was one rare find. Only one other is shown in a collection that I know about (though there is a Mk VI elsewhere which has some similarities. So I was very happy to see nobody else bidding me up and got it at a bargain together with a Mk IXA. Either this instrument reflects a general design direction of bubble sextants in the thirties ór (more probable) was taken as a basis by C.Plath when they designed theire SOLD bubble sextant (also in my collection). This instrument is a bit smaller (about 3/4 of the size of the SOLD) and does not have an averager. Instead it has a pencil (as do some of the US bubble sextants) to average the readings. The set-up of mirrors and scale is identical to the Plath. The bubble chamber is different though as are the set-up of filters. The battery is even in the same location as that of the SOLD.
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