C. Plath Luftwaffe Libellen Oktant 127-134-B1
Obtained from the USA with original wooden box. Metal box obtained from the Netherlands
I have two SOLD bubble octants dating back to (around) WWII. One is the Kriegsmarine KM2 version (see other entry) and this Luftwaffe instrument poetically named the 127-134-B1. The instrument is probably a relatively early one (early 1940s probably). It differs from its marine version in that it is normally powered with a separate lead or the two batteries. The batteries can be placed with a battery holder instead of the power cord. Unfortunately the battery holder is no longer present.
This instrument is the only one of 5! of this type of sextant that actually still has the original telescope. The KM2 has it missing (but is photographed with the telescope from this sextant) as are my three USSR 'replica's'. Speaking of a replica, the EAS-1M is an almost exact replica of this sextant. The instrument is still working but barely. As the case shows it has had a though life untill now. However, I managed to purchase an empty metal case which incuded batteries and spare bulbs which was also made for this sextant altough allegedly it should have contained a marine version. If so, that version would have had to have the same round handle as this one as my KM2 has a 'flat' handle and does not fit the box.
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