High accuracy optical theodolite with autocollimation.
Product details: Wild Heerbrugg T3A-M | Wild Heerbrugg | Optical theodolite | Survey | Material: Steel
The T3 was used for the most accurate geodetic work. Only the T4 surpassed it but that instrument was used for very special projects and astronomical positioning only. The T3A has an autocollimation eyepiece as a standard and was used in the machine industry. I do not know what the 'M' stands for in the model type, I would presume 'machine' or 'military'. This specific instrument has clearly been used as a machine theodolite as it was sold to Autonetics, a division of North American Aviation. They created avionics and amongst others the inertial navigation systems for InterContinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM's). They are now part of Boeing. The instrument is in good condition and still not surpassed in accuracy by a modern total station.
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