C.Plath Navistar ladder sextant with bubble accesoire.
Product details: C.Plath Navistar bubble sextant | C. Plath | Sextant | Survey | Material: Brass
This is the standard C.Plath Navistar sextant of which I also have the survey version in my collection. As I have a small (sub) collection showing the development of the sextant, I wanted to have on showing the trommel sextant in its navigation outlay. As a result I bought this one when it came up together with the bubble attachment and two telescopes which is quite rare. The sextant was the former property of William McManus of the United States Lines who operated untill 1989. The instrument was first checked (upon sale?) in 1967 and then in 1984 at Ludolph when the owner was, with his ship, stated as the SS American Pioneer in Bremerhaven.
There is a bit of an issue with the name of the ship though as no more information can be found. There was another ship, caled the American Crusader when it entered service, later renamed to Pioneer Crusader.
There is a good chance mr. McManus is on the photograph of staff shown here but little is known.
More Information:
Data sheet