Landsurveyor's compass
Obtained from Germany
Having just read about this instrument in the periodical of 'De Hollandse Cirkel' this one came up for auction in Germany. As they (only?) seem to have been in use in Germany untill recently you need to recognize them as they look like a long walking stick when folded. The idea is that you lock the legs at a set distance (in this case either 1 m or 2 m). By simply rotating the compass while walking, a distance can be measured. The instrument seems to have been in use for setting out agricultural fields as well as (rough) surveynig. The large ball on top rotates to facilitate quick movements. According to the DHC periodical measurements can be done as quickly as walking / pacing. Keeping count can be done the same way as lpacing off a distance.
This one is in less than pristine condition. The legs are bent ánd the tips of the legs are bent as well. Neither of the two distances is correct; both are out by a few centimeter. And although this may not be much, it must have been correct originally.
Data sheet