J.H. Steward Labbaz Telemeter
I have not been able to figure out precisely how to operate this device. The device (as far as I can tell, don't know if it is complete) consists of a spool of twine which should be of a fixed length (haven't checked that yet for actual length, but guessing it is 250 feet, the minimum distance that can be measured). The 'telescope' has a pinhole sight with two moveable mirrors at the other end at roughly 90 degrees to each other. The first mirror is operated through a small knob on the top without a graudation on it. next to this knob is a sighthole which can be opened and closed. The other mirror is moved by a drum graduated in ?feet?.
When the sighthole next to the small knob is opened, the two mirrors show to 90 degrees whereas there is also a direct sightline to an object. My current guess on its operation is that one stands on one end of the baseline marked by the twine. At the other end a pole or similar is placed at 250 feet. While looking at the object you want the distance to, with the end of the baseline at right angles you adjust the small mirror (with the drum set to 0 meter) you adjust the small mirror to make the pole and object align. You then move to the other end of the baseline, invert the instrument and repeat but now adjust with the graduated drum. This should give you the angle over a know baseline thereby giving you the distance to the object as well.
Any better suggestions are more than welcome (or preferably the original one pager with instructions...)
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