Survey sextant, probably Th. Wegener, 1922
This sextant is unlabeled, no makers name or mark has been found either on the limb,frame or on the scale. However, the box it came in has a (loose!) certificate for a 'Lodingsextant - Wegener'. The first word is Dutch for 'survey or sounding sextant'. The second obviously the shortened version for the german maker Th. Wegener. Wegener supplied many instruments to the Hydrographic Service of the Netherlands Navy according to the Digital Maritime Museum website. Another Wegener lodingsextant is in the National Maritime Museum, however no pictures are published so it is still uncertain if this sextant is actually the Wegener indicated on the certificate.
Another clue that it probably is the Wegener is that no serial number is indicated on the certificate. Neither is a serial engraved on the sextant which does correspond. However it is also very impractical as the navy probably bought more (considering another one in the museum). If these got mixed up the certificate would become potentially wrong with wrong corrections applied to measurements.
The sextant is a typical sounding sextant for its period. However, something that sets it apart is it filter arrangement. The sextant has three filters which can be rotated in front of the eyepiece of the telescope, something not seen very often in a sextant.
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