Plastic drum sextant by Ebbco with round filters.
Product details: Ebbco drums sextant | Ebbco | Sextant | Navigation | Material: Plastic
This is another Ebbco sextant, this one has round filters rather than square. Apart from that it is similar to the others.
What makes this special is that it has not been used in navigation or as a backup but rather as a surveying instrument. The box reads 'Salcombe bronze age wreck project' and the guarantee slip states 'K.W. Muckelroy' at Cambridge. Keith Muckelroy is the archeologist who discovered the wreck in 1978 and died diving on it in 1980. This sextant was his and was used on that project making it a special instrument to anybody interested in the nautical world.
Seemingly, after his death, the instrument ended up with another archeaologist who worked on the same project, P Baker. I obtained the sextant together with a Calypso II camera as well as a pressure meter and diving compass. The camera was marked P. Baker. The camera and instruments are no longer in my possession as they did not fit my collection.
More information:
Data sheet