Japanese Fiske type stadimeter.
This japanese Fiske type stadimeter is the only non-US Fiske stadimeter in my collection. It is clearly Japanese based on all the inscriptions. However, that immediately poses a problem as I cannot read Japanese and online translators are limited. From what I have deduced it may have been produced by a firm called 'Showa'? The serial is partially in Japanese making it hard to date although it came with a card stating it was a 1941 stadimeter. However, to be honest, Chinese characters are very similar to Japanese, so I am going by the piece of paper for now...
The design is very similar to the other Fiske stadimeters with two exceptions. This one does not seem to carry (or should carry) a telescope, so everything would have to be done using the naked eye. The other difference is for setting the length of the object. Where most US type stadimeter use a worm screw at the end of the distance setting scale whereas this Japanese instrument has a racket and pinion system. The Japanese system makes it much easier to quickly set the instrument.
Using Yandex image translator I have so far been able to get the following translations (but any help is welcome):
If the company name is read correctly (Showa) it is indeed Japanese. Showa was founded in 1938 and still exists. It designed precision parts, so a 1941 stadimeter would not be out of the question.
Data sheet
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