Leitz Wetzlar FODIS distance measure.
Obtained from the Netherlands
This distance meter is not a Wild Heerbrugg and not used for surveying. However, it is one of the smallest (10 cm baseline) ever made. Leitz made an even smaller one (6 cm) that so far has not been obtained. Rather than using these in surveying, these were for photography and used to calculate the distance to the focal point of a camera (in the days when autofocus did not exist). These were used with camera's with a separate viewfinder (as with a DSLR you can focus through the lens). The principle of this small stadimeter is exactly the same as my (slightly) larger Wild Heerbrugg used for hunting or short distances.
Two images are overlapping. A small prism is used as a mirror and the instrument is 'calibrated' using the dial. With a know baseline the dial is set to the correct length allowing the entire instrument to be adjusted. It is surprisingly accurate at short ranges but useless at anything over 7 - 10 meters. Which is logical considering its use in photography where depth of field (and hence focus) is most critical at short(er) ranges.
And the link to Wild Heerbrugg? Both Leitz and Wild Heerbrugg became part of Leica at a later date. Based on the serial number, this range finder seems to come from the 1920's, way before Wild Heerbrugg became involved with Leica.
Data sheet