Trimble 4000 SSE Real Time Kinematic GPS receiver
This receiver, complete with antenna was part of a large donation made to my collection by CT-Systems. The unit had been traded in by the Dutch survey contractor DEEP but was by then old enough to get 'shelved' untill I liberated it from its shelf. The 4000 SSE was in 1994 the first model to have On The Fly initialisation using both L1 and L2. A sticker on the back of the unit still warns that the unit uses the P-Code which could be switched of by the US Government without notice (thus rendering the unit useless as an RTK unit - but so would most others except the Sercel KART system). The unit is waterproof and has a full keyboard; something I prefer over a blackbox receiver. Sometimes firing up the computer is just not worth it... and back then it was a hassle everytime as simple network connections did not exist so it was RS232 all the way (downloading / uploading your settings using commands at worst or a specific program at best).
Data sheet