Magellan MobileMapper 6.
Product details: Magellan Mobilemapper 6 | Sercel (Spectra Precision) | GNSS Receivers | Survey |
Very small crossover GPS unit between the consumer and professional line of Magellan. This unit was bought (together with another) by Skilltrade as a back-up to the units we would normally borrow. Although very small the units had features that were worthy of a survey unit, most notably the option to collect raw data which could be post-processed later. Also the unit allowed the collection of GIS type data (shape files) with attributes and even could connect photographs. Back then this was revolutionary for the price. The downside was that they ran Windows CE, not the most stable operating system, had a very small screen and an even smaller styles (as demonstrated by the students in the pictures). Apart from that they still run (they take two AA batteries). The software has however become obsolete and as such the units can no longer be used.
A review I was supposed to do in 2008 got cancelled as I had some discussion with Magellans marketing department about the results. As they refused to look into the processed raw data (which I believed was off) they refused publication. It was one of the last GNSS reviews I did as I got a bit tired of walking on the very fine line between being honest while still keeping good terms with the manufacturers. It is a small world after all.
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