Garmin Ique 3600 Palm based navigation system
Product details: Garmin iQue 3600 | Garmin | GNSS Receivers | Navigation | Material: Plastic
This is the second GPS I have bought. Considering that it is now long enoug ago I can actually write how I got it as it never came to market in the Netherlands. My boss bought it for me on a business trip and 'smuggled' it through customs. It ran PalmOS 5, then a very good operating system and it was my standard device for my calendar, navigation and time management (no wifi, so no e-mails) untill it got replaced for everyting but navigation by my first BlackBerry in 2006 or 2007. As the maps are (and were) the most expensive part, after some 5 years of service they needed replacing and a new GPS was cheaper than a map upgrade so it got replaced by its biggest competition, a TomTom... The cradle and charger must be lying somewhere around the house and will go back together to keep it complete. The unit clearly shows how heavily it was used.
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