Trimble SPS852 RTK receiver in 19" rack version with GPRS / 4G modem.
This Trimble SPS852 GNSS (RTK) receiver was a former Rijkswaterstaat receiver. These units were replaced in 2020 by new Septentrio units, a contract for which I wrote the technical specifications.
A number of the SPS852 receivers they replaced were donated to the MIWB at Terschelling. Actually this one is not in my collection but is one of the two spares for Terschelling. It is still working and when one of the other units at the school breaks down it will be replaced by this one (with the broken one ending up in my collection as a permanent resident). It is probably the only profession / survey grade RTK receiver in my collection that is still fully operational (though slightly outdated). The Zephyr antenna belongs to it. The GPRS modem was used to connect the receiver to the Rijkswaterstaat / Kadaster Netpos RTK NTRIP network.
The units were supplied by Geometius with the 19"rack case specifically made for Rijkswaterstaat.
Data sheet