Wild Heerbrugg NII archetype level.
One of my rarer finds. These are quite hard to find altough quite a few were produced. I actually found one in the UK which was in rough shape. Then this one popped up and through quick reaction I managed to obtain it. The instrument looks factory fresh with all its paint still on. It is a very low serial also, where the one from the UK was about 2000 serials later in production. The two are not exactly identical with the UK one having no black paint but only green or shining metal (lens fitting for example).
The NII was, for its day, a very small and compact instrument. It is also very accurate compared to others in its day. The instrument stood model for later models. The later N2 was reversible, the NII isn't. You can also see from this model that it was a big change that was not fully engineered just yet. Later models for example have less components, have a simpler system for placing them in their box and also the boxes are easier to close. Fortunately this one came with the box and all the accesoires. This includes a threadh to place it on a tripod, no standardization just yet!
To make my collection complete, a NKII would be much welcome. However, beggars can't be choosers, With two NII's in the collection I'm not doing too badly...
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