Heath Hezzanith rapid reader drum sextant with many accesoires.
Product details: Heath Hezzanith drum sextant | Heath and Co | Sextant | Survey | Material: Brass
This Heath sextant is the most complete sextant in my collection. It was sold in the US by David White and Co, who still sell instruments and comes in a luxury box with brass fittings. It is so complete that one wonders why this would have been needed for. It has a total of 6 telescopes; 3 monoculars and 3 galilean as well as 2 sigting tubes. One of each would have done the job perfectly well and a modern sextant only comes with a single telescope... Apart from that there is a magnifier for the scale, a rising piece for the galilean telescopes and the sighting tubes. It can be lighted with a separate battery handle. An astigmatizer lens is fitted (this allows the star image to be elongated). It also has a Wollaston prism that allows the light from a star to be split in two. Finally there is a level on the index arm. I'm still wondering what that is for as normally one would move the index arm and thus never keep it level.
Data sheet
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